Saturday, July 4, 2009

Feast of San Joao ( Saint John the Baptist)

Traditionally the feast of Saint John the Baptist is celebrated in Goa every year on June 24 . This feast is marked by all the youth and specially the newly wed "Zanvoim" (sons-in law) wearing Kopelam ( crowns made from green twigs), jumping into wells shouting " Viva San Joao" and eating Ponnsache Ghore (jackfruits) and Ambe (Mangoes).
But for us Goans far away from home, the feast of San Joao would have remained yet another fond memory, if not for Californian Goans, a dynamic association of young and energetic Goans( energy is their forte) residing in California, in and around the Bay area who organized a fabulous event to highlight this feast. Everyone present at this event had an excellent time not forgetting the Cashew Feni, lip smacking traditional Goan food and also Goan Kantaram. The above picture features most of the Goemkars who attended this wonderful event.
Kudos to the Californian Goans and a very big DEU BOREM KORUM.
Viva San Joao and Viva Californian Goans.